peace - love - reason

Jill Of All Trades

26.5.07 by literaghost

Moo Matisse

Cow paintings in the window of an art gallery, somewhere in northern France.

Not Quite Free Yet

It seems it was just yesterday that everyone spoke of "freedom coming to Russia." Did their wings get stuck at the critical moment, also?
(Monument in Moscow, Russia.)

Pick a Letter

Letter cutouts on a craft house worktable - Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio.

Filed under having


Michael said...


Can you give me a call when you get a chance--want to see how your discussions about the college courses turned out and whether you will be taking my literature course in the fall (I hope so).


Michael said...

Are these from your travels?

literaghost said...

Yes, they are. I try to document them in writing, but often have trouble finding the time, so I now use images.

Are they worth a thousand words, or do I need to do some follow-up?